Monthly Archives: July 2013

Sunny and RayRay

Check out the epic trailer for Del Weston’s new flick!

Get Your God On With The Rockin’ Reverend!

Directed by Scot Michael Walker, this hilarious flick about an out of work actor is epic!


Ares 11

Another great feature joins our event with Ares 11.  Taking a page from Alien it sets up a great air of suspense as four people try to survive trapped in a listing space craft.

New Name – Same Great Fun

Well, as we move forward, we’ve decided to take Scarlet Waters in a new direction, focusing on great films in many genres.

With that new direction, we felt a new start was in order.  So, with that, we will now be known as the Austin Indie Flix Showcase!

We can’t be more excited about the future of this great event.  And we’re very proud to provide a great avenue for indie film in the Texas capitol city!